AME International 68025 - SUV & Light Truck Spline Plus Socket Set
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Product Description
The AME Light Truck and SUV Socket is a versatile and durable tool designed to simplify tire work for commercial applications. Modeled after the popular 6-piece spline socket set, this socket is equipped with color-coded protective covers for easy identification. It includes the three most commonly used sizes, ensuring compatibility with a wide range of tasks. The socket is compatible with any standard 1/2" wrench or impact tool, making it suitable for various applications. Its patented design allows it to work on multiple fastener styles, including 6-point, 12-point, star, square, and even fasteners with up to 50% rounded heads, making it a highly adaptable tool for mechanics and technicians.
Product Details
Includes 22mm, 7/8", and 15/16"
1/2" drive impact rated
Works on 6 different fastener - Spline, 6-Point, 12-Point, Torx, Square, and 50% rounded